Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday - "Passion?"

Hi Everyone,

For those of you that were unable to attend online small group last night, we talked about pursuing your passion and making a difference. As a quick recap... I mentioned that I thought your mission in life was a combination of your spiritual gifts matching up with what you are passionate about doing. So this morning I think it is appropriate to pray over those things. Ask yourself these questions (and jot some things down in your journal)

1) What are my top 3 spiritual gifts? If you are a Christ-follower, you have them...You can use 1 Cor 12 as a guide.

2) If money, time, or fear didn't matter...what would I spend every day of my life doing passionately for God?

3) Have I ever been told that I was good at something by more than one person? Does that activity show the love of God to others?

I believe that if we can wrap our brains around those three questions, we can start to discover why we're here. ALL of us have a purpose...all of us will leave a legacy...and all of us can unveil what it is we are here to accomplish. It is my prayer that as you are reading this, you are encouraged to find out yours.

Pastor Brian

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