For the last couple of days, we've talked about the importance of not being afraid... and sharing your story. As we continue our series "The End" there is yet another important part of preparing ourselves for the return of Christ... prayer.
Praying in a Crisis
by Dr. Charles Stanley
Numbers 21:6-8
When was the last time you got on your knees and cried out to God about something other than personal issues? We’re often so involved in our own busy lives that we fail to see the crises others are facing. I’m talking about situations that don’t affect our immediate family at all, rather than, say, the deployment of a soldier we know or a terrorist attack on our land. But whether circumstances touch total strangers or hit “close to home,” doesn’t it often feel as if such matters are just too big for one person’s prayer to make a difference?
This is a lie straight from Satan. He wants us to assume that cataclysmic or tragic problems are too vast for our petition to have any effect. Scripture disagrees: James 5:16 assures us that “the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” And verse 17 provides a powerful example: “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months.”
Almighty God is able to heal, bring peace, and change circumstances. And He has chosen to let His children participate in the process through prayer. He instructs us to talk with Him about everything (Phil. 4:6) and promises to hear when sin does not obstruct our communication (Ps. 66:18).
The next time you hear of a tragedy or problem—regardless of whether it affects people you know or perfect strangers—resist the temptation to distance yourself from it. You can have an impact on the lives of others when you intercede on their behalf. So let news of a crisis become a catalyst for prayer.
Copied from: (May 19, 2009)
JOURNAL IT: In your journal this morning, make a list of 3 people who need prayer right now in your life. Maybe it's for a first time commitment to Christ... maybe it's for peace in these turbulent times... maybe it's for the courage to share their story... whatever it is...remember that prayer is critical if we are going to help others face the challenges in their lives.
See you in the morning,
Pastor Brian
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