Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"The Clog" - A Devotional for Wednesday

Matthew 5:8 (TM): “You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.”

Last night around 11PM I looked up at the ceiling. Now I don't normally do this, but fortunately for was a good time to do so. I noticed a large water spot about the size of a softball had formed and was starting to drip water onto my tile. I knew that it could only be one air conditioner. Sure enough, I headed upstairs, opened the unit, and discovered that all of the water that normally drips outside had been collecting in the drain pipe...thus backing up and spilling into the ceiling. I instantly went outside and began to clear the drain pipe with my shop-vac.

You'd never believe what came out of that pipe.

I'll spare you the grim details...but let's suffice it to say it was nasty. Old algae...gross slime...enough to easily stop this pipe from doing what it was intended by the builder of my house to do.

Sound familiar? Do you have some old stuff that's blocking your ability to do what God made you to do? If so...I have news that will make you can do something about it.

Situations from our past can have such an effect on our current way of thinking...they can make us fearful of it happening again...they can cause us not to trust or love...they can trick us into thinking we aren't protected or valuable to God. Problem is that you can't see what's ahead of you on the road of life by driving with both eyes on the rear-view mirror.

Here's the way to get past your past:
1) Forgive the person that caused it - Notice I didn't say forget it happened...We need to release them from the hold they have had on our mental state. Many times we are holding onto things that the other person involved has forgotten about long ago...Forgive them and allow the healing to begin both in you and in your relationship.

2) Allow God to heal you - Once you have forgiven the other person, God can begin to heal your heart. He will bring people into your life that are there to help...not harm. He will reveal scripture to you that you may have read many times before...but you will read it differently. God is ready and waiting for your first move...

3) Forgive yourself - The final (and perhaps hardest) step. Once you've asked for forgiveness from God you need to let it go. I know...easier said than done... but this step is essential for your future. Don't forget that God is a God of grace, peace, and love....not condemnation. He loves you and doesn't want you to hurt anymore...

Ready to unclog your life? Ready to find God's blessing and a life of happiness? Get past the past...take out the trash...and allow yourself to live the life that God designed for you long ago:

Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

See you tomorrow,
Pastor Brian

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