Monday, October 20, 2008

"Presidential Prayer" - A Devotional for Monday

1 Timothy 2:1-2a; 3 (TM): “The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments…”

This week, we're going to sincerely discuss what we can do to be a better citizen. I don't know where you are reading this from, but I would suspect that no matter where it is, there is a government that you have to report to... and those government officials spend a lot of time trying to make large decisions that affect thousands of people. What do you think THE most important thing is to do for your leaders?


That's it. Pray. Notice what today's verse doesn't say... It doesn't say you have to agree with the government...or the laws...or even the personalities that occupy the key seats. It just says pray...especially for rulers and their governments. I talk to so many people who claim that they will start praying for their leaders when the leaders start doing what they want them to do. It doesn't work that way. If that's you, please re-read today's verse.

This morning...dare to be different. It really doesn't matter who wins the presidency in the United States. Two men...two different ideologies...both need a supernatural dose of God's grace, His wisdom and His mercy.....just like you and I do.

Pray for your leaders...pray that they lead to the best of their abilities...pray that they seek God in all of their decisions...and pray for their success.

See you tomorrow,
Pastor Brian

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